Monday, February 2, 2015

Knowing The Right Business Advice For You

"I used to think all advice was good advice. I don't know about that anymore. Here is what I do know.

There comes a point in your struggling where you have to make hard decisions.

Sometimes that decision requires you to make less money in the short-term to make more money in the long-term. "

Everyone Can't Identify With Your Problem

I make it a point to not act like I know things that I have no clue about. I have come to grips with the fact that I don't know everything. You should try it sometimes. It seems like in the moment we feel the pressure to say the right thing every time. 

Because I know what it's like to lose a child, I can speak to women who have lost a child in a deeper way. I know what it's like and I know what worked for me.

People that make a lot of money sometimes can't identify with people that are still struggling unless they have REALLY been there. It's not impossible to forget how frightening stepping out of your comfort zone was in the beginning.

Just today, I couldn't identify with people who were making excuses about not making the phone calls. Not because I think I am better, but I push past that pain everyday. Sometimes when you make it to the other side you can't even think the same. Your new mindset can't be undone. You can never go back to believing the lie you have told yourself "I won't make any money doing this." The proof is in your bank account.

Just like the movie Inception, once you mind has gone there, it can NEVER go back to the way it is. 

Good for them. Sometimes bad for you. Because they forget the way things used to be. 

So You Want To Be A Millionaire

I used to want to know what a millionaire's schedule looked like. They would always say "you don't want to know." Before the million, they were hungry. They fought hard. Now that the goal has been achieved, the millionaire can now relax on his or her favorite beach. 

If you chill on the beach without building the multiple streams of income, the team, or systems, then you will end up with a big fat zero on your bank statement. Unlike them.

(DISCLAIMER: This is not true of all millionaires. Some stay hungry and keep fighting.)

The Best Advice I Have Ever Received

The best advice that I have ever received was to keep your job or create active income to live on. As a business owner,  you have to make sound decisions. The best decisions can be stifled if money influencing you more than your purpose.

Sometimes you have to pay your dues. Focus on helping people. Take a little less. Work a little harder. Be a little tougher. 

You have to get through the painful part. This is what builds your character. Live through it. It will be over soon.

The Worst Advice I Have Ever Heard

If you are on your last dollar, it's not a good idea to buy a new course for $1,000 even if it promises you a million. You are better off without it, because you can focus on the solutions to your problems and work out the kinks. 

When you can lose everything, that's not where you make rash decisions, sit back and hope for the best. That is a sure recipe to fail. 

I heard someone give advice at their level to someone they thought they could help. I believe it did not consider that person's skill set or level of expertise, or level of hustle. What I heard was a short cut. That hack may with for a person with a huge list of contacts, an established brand. Not a person with no leads, no list, and no clue.

You can't always say what sound good to people. Feed what they need. Tell the truth. 

Stop Expecting Bootleg Miracles

You can't skip past hard work and dedication. Good things will happen where you least expect it. Keep planting seeds and a harvest is sure to come. 

Peace and blessings

Ruth M. Haines 

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