Monday, February 9, 2015

Business Is The New Basketball

Business is just like playing basketball.

 You may not know, this but I played a little basketball back in the day (got the scar to prove it). Well,  I remember it being so hard getting through all of the practices and doing all of that running. But, if you didn't, you knew that you would be embarrassed in the game. The reason being is because you were not in shape.

Business is the same way. The only way to stay in business is to get more business. You have to understand that it will take a lot of pushing yourself to the limit and beyond in order to get the breakthrough that you are looking for. If you make calls or post on social media or go out and get business, it MUST be done everyday. If not, you won't be able to perform and catch up to the other team on the scoreboard.

So here is a few lessons that I learned in basketball and want to carry over into business:

1. It's a team sport.

Michael Jordan never won a championship by himself. He had to have others on his team to rebound the ball, pass him the ball, and pass the ball to when he got double teamed. A team helps you focus more on your strengths. Every one has a position. If everyone tried to do Jordan's job the team would fail. It would be a mess.

How does that relate to business Ruth?

You can't win at everything. There are some areas in business where you are amazing and some...not so much. So, what you need to do is find somebody who will handle paperwork while you meet with clients. Get someone else to do the website while you lead generate--outsource.

However, there are some things that you have to be good at when it comes to business. That is lead generation and dealing with people. Jordan had to be the master of his offensive strategy. He can control things better because he was good at shooting the ball. He controlled the scoreboard on his end. So you need to handle whatever it is that makes you the money in your business and then delegate everything else.

2. You have to practice.

There is no way around it. You need to get to work and get to work right now. Call who you must. But practice what you are going to say. You should have a script if you have a business. It doesn't need to sound like a script, but you must know what you will say when you get that potential client or investor to hear you out. Here is where many people drop the ball.

3. You get out what you put in.

In high school, there were 9th graders that did the minimum and made it to the 9th grade team. Then there were 9th graders who plotted and planned and practiced years prior and made it to the varsity team in the ninth grade -- as starters. They also ran in the morning and did extra workouts. They just went the extra mile and got amazing results.

You only get out of life what you put in. You have heard that a million times. If you want better results, then give it a better effort. If you feel yourself getting stuck, then know that it's time to tame that mind. Mindset is 90% of success. So when I don't feel like doing the work, I pop in some upbeat music or my favorite motivational videos.

 Do the work and the work will pay off. Do the work UNTIL it pays off.

4. You only win when you take enough good shots.

To make a shot, you have to be confident enough to attempt it. You will miss and that's part of the game. But eventually, after a few misses you will get in the zone. The place where you feel like you can't do any wrong. You catch on fire. That's how games are won. You have to get in the rhythm.

You have to take risks in business. You have to take constant risks in business. It may not work out the first time or the second time. But you should continue to adjust from the mistakes you have made. Then you will see that the business will start pouring in. Don't stop what you did to get it. Keep it going and you will win.

There is a movie called Love & Basketball. I should have a movie called "Business & Basketball". (Should I copyright that?) lol.

Are you watching or you playing the game?

Ruth M. Haines
Your Online Marketing & Business Strategy Coach

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