Whenever you want to do anything amazing, you must first go through a process. Usually, this process starts in your mind. Since no one can make you think the right thoughts, you may feel the need to skip this step.
If I had a personal conversation with you one-on-one, (as I do with my coaching clients), I would know. It wouldn't take me long to figure out that you don't participate in the secret society of developing your mind. Your mind is a deadly weapon to be used for good or evil. It seems its automated to spit out negative thoughts. One way to change this dynamic is to think big.
1. Think Big
First, you put a goal into your head that you want to achieve. My motto when it comes to dreaming is "If you are going to do it you might as well go big." Most of the time, we quit things halfway. Dreaming big will allow you to get half of your big dream instead of a fraction of a little dream by the time we quit. To tell the truth, we still quit halfway (or less) when the goal is smaller. So dreaming big will allow you to have a higher level of results just because of the adjustments made in your mind.
If you can trick your mind into having more, what is stopping you?
It isn't enough to dream big. You also have to learn how to act big.
You may not do enough activity to give you mind-blowing results in a short window of time. However, you can do enough activity to see some results. Sometimes you need to start small. But there will come a point where you are over your fear and complacency smacks you dead in the face.
At that point you need to:
2. Form Big Habits
Big habits have the power to transform your life. You have moved from thinking about it to doing it. From there, you have moved to just doing it to doing it in a big way. Nothing is impossible when you start putting a plan into action. Design your life to get you out of your current situation. Big habits help you work yourself out of your current hole.
Ask yourself: What can I do daily to make sure the right results show up in my life?
If you are in sales, how many new people should I talk to on a daily basis?
If you are a writer, how many words will I hold myself accountable each day?
If you are a musician or other creative, how many hours will I work on my craft?
Big habits make big dreams come true.
The last step is to KEEP IT UP.
3. Keep It Up
You can not afford to stop if you are going to make your goal. Being consistent is the the secret weapon of success. Some days will go well, and others won't. But when you are consistent you have stability over your results. If you are tracking your progress, then you will be able to make adjustments that get you to your goal a lot faster.
No matter what, don't stop. That guarantees you to get to your destination. You will succeed, if you don't quit. Your actions will determine how fast you get there.
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Ruth M. Haines
Your Business Coach